They work like a well oiled machine
- Sonny
Loved your crew. Great cleanup job. Roof looks great!!
- Marlene
Debbie and I want to thank you so much for fitting us in. This is truly an answer to prayer. We pray the Lord continues to bless you and your family.
- Joe and Debbie
Roof looks good. Thank you for the hard work.
- Kathleen
Thank you for a great job. You can use me as a reference.
- Danny
Thank you for the professional job and your fast response. And thank you for chipping all of that ice off the roof in December!
- Nancy and Axel
A huge thank you to the entire Barnett family and work crew. We feel so fortunate to have you work on our home. Thanks!
- The Bartons
Thank you for a very nice, professional job.
- Edwin
Thank you for the nice job on our new roof and gutters. Looks great.
- Mary and John
Thanks. It was good to see you and your sons.
- L
We are pleased with the roof work done at our home and we will recommend your company to anyone with roof work. The services were good and we are extremely satisfied with your work. In fact, it took less time than what you said and the work was done professionally. You cleaned up each day upon completion of the work. We would like to show our appreciation with a small token gift card for you and your boys to use. Thanks again!!
- Woody Elizabeth, Zelalem and Fitsumer
Thank you sooo much. Our roof is beautiful!
- Pat, Tammy and Cassidy
Thanks for a new roof and porch. We love them both!
- Joanna Bailey
Thank you so much for the great job done! Please use the extra little “bit” for dinner with your wife.
- Kathy
Thanks again, Glen, for the great roof, quick installation and quick clean up.
- Barb
I know I’m late in sending this personal note to you, but I wanted to thank you and the crew for the very professional work you all did. The roof looks very nice. I’m very happy with it. The landscaping seemed untouched, and the cleanup was meticulous. Several folks have commented on how good it looks. Nicely done! And I’m anxious to see how the new LeafX gutter system works this fall. Thanks again and have a great fall season.
- David
Nice work! You quoted the estimate at $550, I thought. For whatever reason you say $500 due. Let’s split the difference, ok. Thanks.
- Bill
Thank you, The gutters are great.
- Casey and Kimi
Thank you Glen and crew, for a job well done. I'm warmer in the family room already.
- N
Thank you very much for doing this and for finding the red shingles.
- Helen
Glen, thanks to you and your wonderful crew.
- Barb
Wonderful job and your whole crew was great to have around. Thanks!
- Lee
Thanks again for your quick response and great work.
- Susi
Thanks for the terrific job!
- Rick and Anne
Thanks for the great job! And a thank you to your boys as well. If you and your family are in need of dental care, please note the $50 credit on the business cards. Thanks!
- Kevin
Thanks Glen and your excellent crew.
- Mike
Thank you so much for your excellent work, plus the “extras” in figuring out colors for me. We are very pleased with your work. Please thank your boys as well. It was amazing to watch your family team work!
- Terry and Candis
I thank you for the great job and the reasonable price. I wish you and your family well.
- Dale
Thanks again to you and your boys for a superb job.
- Dale
Thanks for jumping in and getting the job done when we got such cooperative weather in December and January.
- Alan
The Church Board of the Moscow Church of the Nazarene would like to send a special thank you and blessing to you and your family (especially your sons that helped with the work). Lyndon reported to the Board that the work you did was completed at the highest quality. Also we appreciate the credit you gave to the church for cleaning and for the reduction in price due to using less material. We have prayed for your safety and the prayer was answered. The board appreciated working with a Christian company with Christian values. We pray God’s blessing on you and your family.
- Moscow Nazarene Church Board
Thanks to all that helped on the roof. It was and is a great blessing to us. We are so very thankful to have it done. We pray our Dear Lord will bless you all special.
- Bob and Barbara
Thank you for the flawless work.
- April
Thank you so much for all your terrific work. It was such a pleasure to work with you and to meet your family!!
- Jeni and Leon
We just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful job you did on our roof! We are so grateful to be dry and worry free this winter! And a very Merry Christmas.
- Greg and Megan
The roof and gutters look so good. I couldn’t be more pleased. Thank you!
- Dolores
Thanks for taking care of this job for me. I wish I could be in Moscow to observe the process, but that cannot be. I know that you will do a good job for me.
- Carole
Thanks for the speedy job. I know that at this time of year its tough to squeeze an extra job into an already overloaded schedule. It really looks great!
- Wayne
My roof looks great! Thank you so much for doing such a good job, and for working with me on the price of the labor. I appreciate your good customer service and have recommended you to another possible client.
- Stephanie
Frank and I just wanted to say thank you very much for the work you did. It was fast, efficient, and very professional. I was especially impressed with the clean-up. Service and business like yours are rare in these parts. Please take your crew out to lunch (on us) to Branegan’s sometime. They have a weekday lunch special from 11am-2pm. All you can eat pizza, salad, and pop. Thanks again. We will definitely send business your way when someone asks us about roofing.
- Megumi and Frank
Thanks for the excellent job on 122 East A street. The project looks great. Thanks for all the work that you do for us. We appreciate all the quality that you put into each job.
- Dan
I appreciate the work and rapidity in which the job was done. This is the 2nd time over the years that I have needed your skills and I’m sure not the last. It is a pleasure doing business with you—feel free to send prospective clients my way if you need a good recommendation.
- Sam
Thanks for getting the roof on—before the snow started falling. We’re staying warm with the new insulation and burning up the cedar. It’s got to be the messiest form of heat ever. We appreciated the very professional job you did!!
- Tom and Kathy
Thank you, thank you for the roofing job on the Old Peking. I am very grateful to you for getting it done.
- Evelyn
Frank was extremely pleased with the job you all did—-and so was I. He said it didn’t even hurt too bad to write the check. The color turned out to be just perfect too. Thank you.
- Lorraine
Thanks for the great job and the discount.
- Lonnie and Sandy
Thanks for the great job you did on our roof! It looks nice and I also appreciate your crew picking up after themselves.
- David
Thank you for the great roofing job. I will highly recommend you to everyone.
- Susan
You did a super job! We are so pleased! Thanks again!
- The Clarks
Thanks again for the fast and efficient installation. Please feel free to list us amongst your satisfied customers.
- Dominic
Thank you. It looks very nice and we appreciate what a good job you did cleaning up and stacking the old tin. And boy, are you fast!
- HE
Thank you so much for a job well done. It has been a real pleasure to make your acquaintance, and hopefully we can do some trumpet playing together in the not-too-distant future. Please feel free to use me as reference if the need arises.
- Bill
It was a pleasure to have such nice young men replacing the roof of my house. I’ll be selling BARNETT ROOFING to friends for years to come! Thank you.
- Pauline
Looks like a good job- and we were glad to get it done last week. You have a good crew, and thanks for cleaning up so thoroughly.
- Marquerite
Thank you for doing our roof. It looks real good and everything was cleaned up beautifully.
- Frank and Carolyn
Thanks for a job well done. We’ve had many compliments on our roof. I was very impressed with not only your work, but with the way you conduct business in a timely manner—returning phone call, follow-up, etc. I’ve never worked with a contractor who was so responsible. I’d highly recommend you to anyone. Thanks.
- Monica
Thanks for the good job, courteous and polite crew.
- Jeanne
I enjoyed working for you this past half year. Thanks for providing work when I needed it. You are a fun group to be with and you and Ron are excellent teachers. Although I’m busy with other jobs right now, I’m proud to have had some roof raisin’ experience. I wish the best for you, your crew and your family.
- Matt
Just a note to say how happy we are with the new roof. We’ve gotten several compliments already. The nice part is, the porch no longer leaks—that’s novel. Thanks again for a job well done at a fair price. God bless you and the new little Barnett.
- Barb and Jack
You said at one time you had a friend that does construction, also-interior, smaller jobs-ceiling and wall repair…. I would appreciate his name, especially if he is as good a worker as you and your business. I appreciate your promptness, the good work, the clean-up and your pleasantness especially when dealing with a woman.
- Barbara
We would like to thank you and your family for sacrificing your Saturday, when we know that you are so busy, to help us with our house. Thanks again!
- Pat and Melody
I do appreciate the efficient way your crew repaired and roofed my house. I will have peace of mind for years to come. Thank you!
- Lois
Thanks for the speed and efficiency in getting our roof done—we were so amazed at the work you accomplished that first day! The roof and gutters look great. I will be recommending you to our friends.
- Sue
Speaking for the Vestry and the parishioners, we are extremely pleased with the quality of the work and the greatly improved appearance of the rectory. We appreciated the way you kept the yard clear of debris every evening. We were also pleased that the cost was somewhat less than your original estimate. Thank you for a job well done.
- Lorraine
The guys did a great job. Thank you. I would like to use you on all of our future jobs.
- Gary
Thanks for the excellent and timely job you did! I very much appreciate your letting my boys do most of the rip off of the old roof and then your taking over to finish it up. It made the expense of the roofing affordable for me.
- Sterling
Thank you for the beautiful job done—that has given our house and home, a whole new dimension—and enjoyment! You had the answer to our every problem! Thanks again!
- Dorothy